When undertaking a home improvement project, the blinds you choose for your windows and doors can significantly impact both the aesthetic appeal and usability of your living spaces. Commonly, new blinds are installed inside your home they can be made to measure to fit any type of window frame. However, outdoor blinds are gaining popularity as a practical and stylish solution that provides control over light and privacy.

If you’ve never heard of outdoor roller blinds and you’re wondering whether they are a good choice for your home, keep reading today. Below we have explored the differences between indoor and outdoor blinds, and listed some of the many benefits of installing blinds on the exterior of your windows and doors to help you decide if they are the right solution for you.

The Difference Between Indoor and Outdoor Blinds

Indoor blinds are designed to fit within the window frame and are available in various materials, enabling them to be customised specifically for your home. They help you manage the amount of light entering a room, whether it’s through a large bay window or a skylight window, and provide you with privacy from prying eyes. These blinds can also become decorative features in your living spaces, with a wide range of colours and patterns to choose from.

Outdoor blinds, on the other hand, are installed on the outside of your home, covering windows and doors. They are designed to withstand all weather conditions, from harsh UV rays to rain and wind, and are typically made from more durable materials to resist wear and tear. Outdoor roller blinds are ideal for inward-opening windows or sliding doors and they serve multiple purposes. They can also be customised to your specific style needs.

Reasons to Consider Outdoor Blinds for Your Home

Outdoor blinds aren’t just functional, they can transform your home. They offer a combination of practicality and visual appeal to your home’s exterior and can be a great option to consider. Here are some reasons why installing outdoor blinds could be a wise choice;

  • Maximising Indoor Space

Outdoor blinds are a smart solution for homeowners who don’t want to compromise indoor space with bulky window treatments. By installing blinds outside, you can maintain an open, uncluttered interior aesthetic and enjoy the architecture of your windows. Outdoor roller blinds are designed to fit outside perfectly and can be particularly beneficial in smaller homes where every inch of space counts.

  • Enhanced Privacy

Just like conventional indoor blinds, outdoor alternatives offer an added level of privacy for your home. They prevent passersby and neighbours from being able to see into your living spaces, allowing you to enjoy complete privacy without any concerns. This makes outdoor blinds perfect for homes in busy towns and cities, or for ground-floor windows and doors where privacy can often be compromised.

  • Energy Efficiency

When you have large windows and doors, heat gain can be a big problem during the summer months. By blocking direct sunlight from entering your home, outdoor blinds can help reduce your energy costs. They keep your living spaces at a more comfortable temperature, preventing the need for air conditioning. During the colder months, they act as an extra insulation layer too, trapping heat and reducing heating costs.

  • Uninterrupted Views

One of the biggest benefits of outdoor blinds is their ability to offer uninterrupted views of your garden. Unlike traditional window treatments that can partially block your view, outdoor roller blinds ensure you can enjoy the great outdoors while relaxing inside. They can be easily retracted when not in use, often with full smartphone control, allowing you to enjoy the natural beauty of your surroundings while still offering privacy and light control when needed.

  • Aesthetic Appeal

Outdoor blinds come in a variety of styles, materials and colours, allowing you to enhance the appearance of your home. Whether you prefer a minimalist look with sleek outdoor roller blinds or a more traditional style, there’s an option to suit your home’s architecture. These blinds can help unify the look of your home from the outside too, adding to its kerb appeal and potentially increasing its market value and desirability.

  • Low Maintenance

Since they’re made with durable, weather-resistant materials, outdoor blinds are generally low maintenance. They are easy to clean and resistant to common problems like mould and fading, ensuring they continue to look good year after year with minimal upkeep. This durability makes them a cost-effective and time-saving option for busy homeowners who don’t have time to maintain the exterior of their homes.

Installing Outdoor Roller Blinds

It’s fair to say that if you’re considering replacing your window treatments, it’s worth exploring the option of outdoor blinds in more detail. While they may be a less conventional option, they offer several advantages and can be particularly beneficial in some scenarios. If you have any questions about this type of window covering, don’t hesitate to contact our team at Cambridge Blinds today. We will be happy to provide you with the additional information you need.

Our experienced team can help you design the perfect blinds for your home, whether you opt for internal or external roller blinds. We can bring your vision to life and help you overcome any potential issues with your design choices. When you contact us, we will happily schedule a home presentation at times to suit you, so you can explore the various options available.